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Monday, November 23, 2009

Population: Tire

Hmm. Four days. Or four daze, as is more likely with me. I'd like to say I'd been busy, but the fact is, I haven't. I had a doctor appointment today, and woke up to see the clock face reading two hours past my appointment.

Oddly enough, I didn't care. :D It was an eye doctor, and while I dislike eye doc's less than general practitioners, I still don't like them.

Anyway, the only real astounding thing about it was that my parents let me sleep through it. Then I found out it had been rescheduled to February. I'm not complaining. I'm hoping to have a job by then.

Sunday I gave a small concert to my family. I did terrible. That month of practice I skipped really hurt my Christmas carol ability. It wasn't my fault I skipped it either. My sister was going crazy hearing them played, and frankly, nothing ruins Halloween like Christmas carols.

Any rate, hands got shaky, lost my place in my music...badness. It was like my hands went numb and forget there places...Therein lies another step to playing music for a living: Stage fright.

I'm sure there is some stupid law that goes along with it though. IE: I'm not afraid of heights, but I cannot for the life of me climb a ladder. Can't wait to find out what the law is for stage fright. Maybe I have to play in a mask, or while drinking a slushee.

To be honest, God helped me out a bit. I stopped playing and prayed, and my hands got much less shaky. Awesomeness, and I'm very thankful. But...I'm going to practice more.

Oh! and tonight I made Buffalo wings for dinner. ^_^

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