Stuff you already knew:

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I'm no mind reader. Insert your own thought here. Though I'd guess you know how to breathe, some math, and about cottage cheese.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Oh come, all ye faithful.

I'll try and get to the Joyful and Triumphant part later. Maybe.

This has been a week of oddness. A good and bad compilation, that defines bittersweet.

First off, Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Always good. Sadly, one of my fish died. I have no idea how, or why. I woke up Saturday to find his body stuck on the filter valve. I was surprisingly sad.

Secondly, I'm sick, and the medicine to take to make me better, is far worse than the condition. It stops me from coughing, but makes my internal temperatures go wonky. Though I'm different, I can't find it within myself to enjoy feeling like my entire body is burning up from the inside out. Is that what it feels like being inside a microwave?

However, Saturday afternoon, my snake stuff came in. And then my Dad grabbed an Aquarium from Wal-Mart, and we're planning on getting my snake tomorrow. Awesomeness on a silver platter.

I'm also had something extremely painful happen last night. I woke up, and literally, every muscle in my body burned and ached. I mean every muscle. I could feel them all, legs, arms, torso, even my joints, burning in exquisite pain...Walking wasn't easy. Heck, it even masked other pain. I tripped over a cord and cut my arm, and didn't even feel it. Only way I knew is when I saw it. Neither am I a fan of the odd dreams/nightmares that accompany me on medication.

At the same time, Christmas is rapidly approaching. And so it's hard to get me down.

Like I said, oddness.

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