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I'm no mind reader. Insert your own thought here. Though I'd guess you know how to breathe, some math, and about cottage cheese.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fight on for Strongbadia!!!!!!

Woo...I've just spent the last few days (or maybe a week...I forget) watching all 205 SBemails. Quite a...not at all a feat. Sitting in front of my computer laughing isn't that hard.

I have so many quotes buzzing around in my head at the moment, though. It's like someone threw a cheeseburger and pile dirty laundry inside a volcano and waited for evolution to happen. I think some scientists did that actually. At any rate, here are a few favorites:

"You may have seen my fist in a movie earlier this year. It's called: "Bloody pulp: the shockingly realistic story of your face in five seconds."

"Thankfully, they require you to turn off your bazooka's during the movie. Or else all my movie going experiences would end in smoldering crater fashion."

"If burglars break into my house, I've found that sprinkling cinnamon on my face and talking all sleepy usually throws them off."

And finally:

"Explain to me how killing them would not ruin there date?" I can get back to other things. Probably. I do enjoy a good SB cartoon. XD

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