Stuff you already knew:

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I'm no mind reader. Insert your own thought here. Though I'd guess you know how to breathe, some math, and about cottage cheese.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Not forgotten.

This place isn't dead, just...not cared for, for a bit.

I'm wrestling with whether to get another snake, or something small and fuzzy. See, since I was 10, I've had a dog and a reptile. My Bearded Dragon Aladar lived for 10 years, and then I got Jayne.

Now, earlier this month I was dead set on getting something small and furry. Hampsters, Gerbils, Hedgehogs, or sommat.

Then...a friend showed me a Rosy Boa. And I fell in love. Care is similar to a corn, and it'd be a likely chance I wouldn't need to upgrade my stuff. Just get a heat lamp and some aspen.

Not only that, but a Repticon is coming to a locale that's...local to me. In May. I could likely find a Rosy there.

So I'm torn. I think I'd like Guinea pigs. But I also like Snakes.

This is tearing me in half. Not literally.

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