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Sunday, February 28, 2010

The forgotten one...

Somewhere along the line, someone is always forgotten. In this case, it's...


You thought I was going to give the predictable response, no? No.

The forgotten One in this case, is God. For some reasons, society tries it's hardest to forget the One who literally gave His all for their salvation. Not just His only Son in order to adopt us, but by the fact Jesus was God, He gave his own life as well.

And yet we try to forget. Or slander Him in such a way as to make Him look evil.

So let's add in another forgotten one: Man. Humanity in general. In example, listen to Theater of Tragedy's "And when he falleth". Vincent Price gives a nice narration on the evils of the world, and how if such a good God existed, he must have disappeared long ago. Because what good God could exist and have the world in the state it's in?

Too, Muse. Knights of Cydonia. Another epic song. To quote "Come ride with me, through the veins of history, I'll show you a God who falls asleep on the job."

Forgetting that it was us who chose to deny God and broke His commands. Forgetting that it's us who choose to start wars, murder others, and generally create thee world in the state it's in. He gave us free will. This is what we've done with it.

Unless we wanted a God who lords over every move we make, smiting the first time we stepped out of line? Because I think God get's called a tyrant or some variant thereof enough for having set the 10 commandments in order.

It's the equivalent of an innocent man paying the fines, and changing places in jail for a murderer, only to have the murderer spit in his face as he walked away free.

I guess it's a pet peeve of mine. I know only a little bit of what God has done for me, and does for me and this entire planet on a daily routine, and it blows my mind. And to have someone claim God isn't doing His job right, or that He doesn't exist at all...I don't get it. Partially.

Not that I'm complaining only against others. I'm in the same boat. I know for sure God exists, and part of what He has done for me. But I don't always act like it, and that may be worse. I could try my best to stop wars, murders and generally fix the world...but I don't. I could tell others of the wonders of His love, but I don't. Or haven't yet. Fear overcomes me.

So I'll close this post with another song or two:

"Would my care increase if I truly believed that a life could be saved?"


"An image flashed across my tv screen. Another broken heart comes in to view. I saw the pain and I turned my back. Why can't I do the things I want to? I'm willing, yet I'm so afraid. You give me strength, When I say: I want to be your hands, I want to be your feet, I'll go where you send me."

Perhaps when people can't see God doing His job, it's because I'm not doing mine.

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