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I'm no mind reader. Insert your own thought here. Though I'd guess you know how to breathe, some math, and about cottage cheese.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Wonderful oddities.

Sometimes, I can't help but laugh out of joy. The mind blowing wonders and works of God.

How wonderful is it that in letting Himself be struck down by evil, my King slashed so great a wound into its heart, that it will never recover?

That the perfect Son, Heir to the throne of the ages, took the punishment for the beggars sins?

The fact that the Ultimate Power and Authority in any universe is crushed when His nation turns it's back on Him? (Ezekiel 6:9, for the reference.)

Every drop of blood spilled on that cross should have been mine. Every scream of pain is what I deserved. Yet out of love, He took my place.

1 comment:

  1. If this was facebook, I would have 'liked' this post.

    But since the inconvenience of technology has forced me to actually comment (sarcasm, people) I feel obliged to say that I *loved* this post.
