Stuff you already knew:

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I'm no mind reader. Insert your own thought here. Though I'd guess you know how to breathe, some math, and about cottage cheese.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The return of the Jed.

I'm not cool enough to be a Jedi. So Jed will have to do. I am back, though. I guess I could have pilfered a computer in OKC, but how would that have worked out in any sorta good fashion?

Point is, I'm sitting in my busted up, slanted to several sides, computer chair. Posting off a ten year old PC. My mattress has springs jutting out of it, and one of my hamsters turned out to be a female. Surprise! I'm a granddaddy at all of 19.

And you know what? I'm loving every minute of it! I love my home, my room, my family, ETC. It's all good.

So that got me thinking (and wondering who wants a hamster?) what exactly is home? It's certainly not the place where I'm in the plushest surroundings, as the hotel was quite nice.

It's not where my heart is, either. Or I'd be living at EBgames. I'm rather sad to say that, as with the many things worth loving in this world, I chose video games. Is it where I'm most familiar with things? Possibly. I do love my chair, my bed and my room with all their flaws. It's my crystal fortress of solitude.

Is it where my family is? That's closest to the mark. I was welcomed home with open arms, and face licks from my dogs. And that felt good.

But I realized...I have no home. Not on this planet. It hit me while I was driving cross state, on the way home: this world is little more than a journey, a long drive to home. Any home in this place is little more than a hostel, or perhaps that lovely bed and breakfast that stirs warm sickly feelings in your heart.

"In my Fathers house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."

"You know the way to the place where I am going."


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