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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Like my finger is glued to the trigger...

Nice. Recently (say, the past 19 years or so,) I've been finding myself being an argumentative person. I dun't know why. I mean, I love the truth. "The truth will set you free", and maybe some part of my twisted brain thinks that arguing will help the truth come out. dunna work like that.

Arguing usually ends up with me hurting someone's feelings. Or calling them a name that is extremely funny, and hurtful. I can't really explain this reasoning, and thus the title: It's like my finger is glued to the trigger". I don't know why I'm shooting, only that I can't stop. XD

Hmm...Paul and Apollos argued in the new testament. Paul especially. 1st and 2nd Corinthians (2nd especially) have parts in them where Paul rails against some people (apostates, or believers that had turned from the church), and it's harsh, to say the least. Why is my arguing different?

Because Paul argued, and discussed out of love, not some vindictive need to be shown as right. So I'ma work on that. Not only stopping the arguing, but arguing for the right reasons, and having golden motives. Because proving that Jesus was the looked for Messiah and whether or not I was volunteered for something? Not the same.

Also, Paul had a position of authority and a mandate from God. I have a blue light bulb and a fish tank.

Nice. On the plus side, I've got a song in the works with "singing galaxies" in it.

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