Stuff you already knew:

My photo
I'm no mind reader. Insert your own thought here. Though I'd guess you know how to breathe, some math, and about cottage cheese.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

You were light, and I was death...

Locked onto target, and I'm moving along, there's a feeling I get when I'm headstrong.

"Cut down Sideways", by Fair. It's an awesome song from an awesome band.

Yesterday, I may have had an epiphany. I also ate a lot of sugar, and fried food. could be that. So I'm not going to post any such of it until I know. Otherwise, it'd be a hollow/judgemental pile of bantha poodoo.

Essentially, I questioned whether or not what I am is worth what I could have by giving it all up. Even from this, it's likely you can see how tricky a puzzle this little ditty is.

So, I'ma leave that alone.

Either way, I rearranged my room yesterday to make way for a 20 gallon long aquarium, which will hopefully be housing a babby corn snake shortly after Christmas. "It's a bit early to be making a Christmas list" ye may be thinking. But I've already been asked twice. XD Black Friday and the early sales are heavily utilized in my family for Christmas shopping.

Plus, the sooner I get my list out of the way, the sooner I can start making a list of what other people want. And who I have to buy gifts for. And maybe whether or not I want to put dry ice and a fake hand under the tree. For fun.

So...Hmm...this was semi-pointless. At least on the surface. Maybe there was something deeper...Maybe not.

By the time a seconds through, help yourself along. Cut down, sideways.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Dear diary today I was moonstruck.

I didn't play the blasted Ocarina in time to stop it from plunging into the earth. What an annoying way to play a game. What were they thinking?

Regardless, today was the day of the Halloween party. It should be tomorrow, granted. But I figured everyone would be busy. So today it was. Had some awesome tasty foodstuffz. Including the always loved Jalapeno poppers.

And my favorite thing ever (now, at any rate; first time we've tried it): Dragons blood punch. Non-alcoholic, with dry ice plunged into it. <3 It dropped the temp down to 38 degrees AND made it smoke and boil. It was, in a word, METAL. Plus, it made some slush that I promptly ate afterwords.

I did take second in the costume competition, though it was to my cousin who worked equally hard on his costume as I did mine. He was a bloodied murder victim, that actually looked convincing. I was happy to lose.

Now...I'ma go collapse. Probably. We've got several liters of sugary drinks, two dozen cupcakes and a bag of candy that call my name. ISABELLE!!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

If this isn't love...'s dementia. :D

I finally finished up my Halloween costume today. I'm going to be a Satrosian Knight from the ninth dimension. Sent to earth to hunt down Xorglution shadow monsters (insert umlaut over that "U").

Since I'm from the ninth dimension, I happen to be able to ghost through walls and do other assorted ghostly shpooky things. Fun stuff. And, OH SO WONDERFULLY, since the party is at my house, I get to carry a real sword, rather than a plastic one.

Yes, I actually bought a sword specifically for my Halloween costume. I think it's dope. XD

Honestly, I bought it a few years back, but never got to wear it because some...not nice...person appropriated the party for his group, and could have been "offended" that I was wearing a costume. Even though it was a medieval knight. Who fought for good, and justice.

I didn't comprehend that. Point was, though the food was great, the normal clothing wasn't.

I also get to make a mix CD...which should fun.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sometimes, we all have to take the pudding balloon...

Don't laugh. Pudding in the eyes is painful, to say the least. Especially lemon.

Tonight, I got to thinking about MP3 players, fish, bird feeders, corn chips and sincerity.

Sincerity as in "when yur srs, be srs". There is something twitchy in my brain, and when a situation becomes testy, I start trying to defuse it. Normally by words. Sometimes by hitting myself with what ever is handy.

At any rate, I got to wondering: When I do that, am I being sincere? Or just talking what I think they want to hear? It's not like I intentionally try to lie (most of the time...I'm working on it), but sometimes the words pop into my head before I have time to ask "Am I sincere or smooth?". I found this interesting, any any rate.

I also munched on some cold cheese dip with the aforementioned corn chips. It was smackadaddy tasty, that. Then I tried to get my fish to nibble on my finger. And apparently misspelled tapioca.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Like my finger is glued to the trigger...

Nice. Recently (say, the past 19 years or so,) I've been finding myself being an argumentative person. I dun't know why. I mean, I love the truth. "The truth will set you free", and maybe some part of my twisted brain thinks that arguing will help the truth come out. dunna work like that.

Arguing usually ends up with me hurting someone's feelings. Or calling them a name that is extremely funny, and hurtful. I can't really explain this reasoning, and thus the title: It's like my finger is glued to the trigger". I don't know why I'm shooting, only that I can't stop. XD

Hmm...Paul and Apollos argued in the new testament. Paul especially. 1st and 2nd Corinthians (2nd especially) have parts in them where Paul rails against some people (apostates, or believers that had turned from the church), and it's harsh, to say the least. Why is my arguing different?

Because Paul argued, and discussed out of love, not some vindictive need to be shown as right. So I'ma work on that. Not only stopping the arguing, but arguing for the right reasons, and having golden motives. Because proving that Jesus was the looked for Messiah and whether or not I was volunteered for something? Not the same.

Also, Paul had a position of authority and a mandate from God. I have a blue light bulb and a fish tank.

Nice. On the plus side, I've got a song in the works with "singing galaxies" in it.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Blog is fun to say. But why?

Honestly, I'm not sure why. And if it's like any of the other numerous Web activities I've tried, I'll forget it sooner or later.

Xanga, anyone?

I do know that blog is a fun word to say...I guess how I feel about the world (and probably, pudding) will leak out into this. It could be fun, or it could be one of those painful experiences I'll groan about in twenty years. XD

Regardless, why not start with the address title?

I enjoy writing songs; I don't do it as much as I should. And "singing Galaxies" is a line I want to incorporate into one. Probably several. The idea of it is...awesome, really. When Jesus was entering into Jerusalem (Luke 19: 28-44), the Pharisee's railed against Him, because the crowd and His disciples were saying stuff like "Blessed is the King who comes in the name of Lord," and "Hosanna in the highest heaven!". This didn't sit well with them for a variety of reasons, but what I think is shweet is what Jesus said in return (40) : "I tell you, if they were to keep silent, the stones would cry out!"

Creation, in it's joy, would praise her king.

If stones can cry out, why couldn't galaxies sing?